ワ タ ナ ベ 研 究 チ ー ム @ NEW YORK TECH
Research Objectives
Understand the tempo and mode of morphological evolution, particularly in reptiles.
Elucidate the complex interplay between anatomical changes along developmental and evolutionary time scales.
Investigate both practical and theoretical issues in phylogenetics and geometric morphometrics through the development of analytical tools.
The Watanabe Lab pursues answers to these topics through a synthesis of techniques:
3-D Imaging & Shape Analysis
While direct examination of specimens is essential, we enhance our understanding of both living and extinct organisms using modern imaging techniques, including high-definition surface scans and X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) imaging along with staining protocols for soft-tissue reconstructions. We then use geometric morphometric methods (statistical shape analysis) on these 3-D models to mathematically capture, model, and test anatomical changes that occur during evolutionary and developmental timelines.
Computational Biology
As scientific data accumulate at an increasing rate, new computational tools are needed to process and identify patterns in large data sets. Besides purely biological questions, I develop new programs that perform simulations and tests on biological data to assess how a particular protocol or biological phenomenon influences the results of analyses that researchers are using today. Most codes by our lab are written in the R language.
To understand the mechanisms underlying important anatomical changes requires comparative and experimental studies on developing organisms. Our lab uses domesticated chickens (Gallus gallus) as a model system to investigate processes that drives developmental and evolutionary transformations, primarily in craniofacial anatomy.